Product paradigm

In this section, we describe the "business model" part of the process, where you define your various options and attach those to entitlements ready for you to sell to your customers.

The Zentitle hierarchy for your use of the platform uses these concepts: products, editions, plans, offerings, and entitlements.

These should map to your way of marketing and selling your "products," be they a SaaS service, hardware, or on-premise software.

The basic starting point is a simple "product" with associated "entitlements" provided to the customer.

Where you have a more complex sales model, all the other options come into play.

Using the Zentitle concepts

Everything starts with adding a "Product" and then flows from there.

There is a specific order of events to get things set up correctly.

Once you have added a "product," you will have the option in that process to create "editions" for that product as required. A default "edition" is provided. You need at least one edition.

"Plans" can be created independently of the products. Several example plans are provided.

Then, you can use the defined products, editions, and plans to create "offerings."

Offerings require that you have already set up products, editions, and plans.

Once you have the above setup, you can create "entitlements" based on the "products" and "offerings." If required, you can add "activation codes" to an offering for distribution to your customers.

You must have set both a product and an offering in order to create an entitlement.

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