Creating a Product and Entitlement

Creating a Product and Entitlement in the Zentitle UI for testing

To make the demo work, you will need to add a new entitlement with the right features and attributes to match those in the demo app.

First, read the documentation and fully understand the product paradigm and how to set up a product and its parts, including an entitlement, with activation codes.

Once you are familiar with how Zentitle2 works, you can set up the specific parameters required to run the demo successfully—all these changes are necessary to allow you to test successfully.

Steps to match the server side with the demo app:

  • Add features with the following keys:

    • Calendar,

    • ProjectPlanning,

    • Collaboration,

    • Reporting,

    • ReportingAdvanced,

    • Security.

  • Set the "value" to Enabled for them all.

  • Click Save, and repeat.

  • Repeat until all the demo features have been added and saved.

  • CompanyName,

  • PlanName.

  • Click Save, and repeat.

  • First, a usage counter with the key: CT1. Set the value to 100 (conversions) and click save.

  • Next, Add an element pool with key: EP1. Set the value to 2 and click save.

  • Next, Add a floating feature with key: FF1. Set the value to 20 and click save.

When you are done the features page should be completed with the demo components required to test.


The next tab is editions. We will skip that tab as we will use the default edition (no need to edit the edition part) so go to the next tab, "Offerings".

Edit the offering parameters exactly as below:

  • Give the offering a name e.g. Standard

  • Add in a short dummy SKU

  • Leave the edition as default

  • Pick a plan from the existing examples (e.g., a one-year subscription with activation).

  • Set the seat count e.g. 1

  • Set the mode e.g. concurrent

  • Click Save


  • Navigate to the "entitlements" option in the left navigation or the last tab when editing a product.

  • Click Add Entitlement

  • If you start in the product section the offering name is pre-selected but you can change it from the drop-down menu. If you start in the offering section the offering name is fixed and pre-selected.

  • Skip the customer (unless you added a test one already etc and want to try that)

  • Add order ref as you wish

  • Click save

  • Fill in the company and plan attribute to your test values, e.g., "Boeing" for the company name and "Standard" for the plan name for example.

  • The rest of the parameters should be prefilled.

  • Click save.

Activation codes

  • Go to the bottom of the new entitlement page

On the bottom right is the activation codes section.

This activation code area has moved to a separate tab, and this doc will be updated soon!

See the activation codes area for update details.

  • Click add.

  • Next, click Generate

  • Add 10 (or whatever number of codes you like)

  • Click Save

  • Now, you will see your codes ready to use in the codes section.

  • You can copy a code to the clipboard and paste it into the SaasDemoApp on your desktop or export the codes for testing later.

You are now all set to move to the SaaS demo (run as a desktop app), keep the Zentitle UI open as well so you can see what happens on the server when you perform actions on the desktop client.

Last updated


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