Edit docker-compose.yml file for Docker-based Testing

First, get the credentials you need, see the previous example page for how to do that.

Next, Unzip the sample files and find the docker-compose.yml file, which contains the app configuration.

      Zentitle__ClientId: "{Your api client ID}" (This is used to ID you as the tester, use any short text string)
      Zentitle__ClientSecret: "{Your API Client Secret}"
      Zentitle__AuthServiceUrl: "{Zentitle Auth Url}"
      Zentitle__TenantId: "{Your Tenant ID}" (this is in your API page)
      Zentitle__ZentitleUrl: "{Zentitle API URL}" (https://XXXXXXXX.license.zentitle.io, this is in your API page)
      Zentitle__Entitlement__ProductId: "{Your Product ID}"
        //for example:
    Zentitle__ClientId: "saas",
    Zentitle__ClientSecret: "AuPefCkk3HGBMcZqxmEmo35QWN9XrauP",
    Zentitle__AuthServiceUrl: "https://yourdetails.keycloak.zentitle.io/realms/yourdetails",
    Zentitle__TenantId: "t_MTwhRp1yl0_9gsZjE5Yhsw",
    Zentitle__ZentitleUrl: "https://yourdetails.api.zentitle.io",
    Zentitle__Entitlement__ProductId:: "prod_JBGnjIXZaA_PYPnJ0oe51A"

Copy the configuration file data (data collected from your Zentitle UI account) to replace the existing values in the library.

Edit the config file and save it with your new values.

This is the example code provided (unedited):

version: '3.9'

    image: orion-saas-demo
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    container_name: orion-saas-demo
      Zentitle__ClientId: ""
      Zentitle__ClientSecret: ""
      Zentitle__AuthServiceUrl: ""
      Zentitle__TenantId: ""
      Zentitle__ZentitleUrl: ""
      Zentitle__Entitlement__ProductId: ""
      Users__0__Email: "user1@example.com"
      Users__0__Password: "password"
      Users__0__ActivationCode: "activation-code"
      Users__1__Email: "user2@example.com"
      Users__1__Password: "password"
      Users__1__ActivationCode: "activation-code"
      ASPNETCORE_hostBuilder__reloadConfigOnChange: "false"
      - "5701:80"

Once you have edited the file, you are ready to run the app and do some simple testing showing the app's control via the Zentitle platform.

Last updated


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