Feature Control

A “Feature” in the Zentitle context is a boolean flag that determines whether a given feature/module/component should be enabled or not for a given user. Features can also be "tracked" based on usage and even tracked for "over-usage" (overdraft tracker) so that your sales team can upsell your customers.

Features can be added at the "product" level or as "global features" across all your products. In this example, we are adding them at the product level, but for speed, if you use the same features (and attributes) across the product line, it's faster to start at the global features section.

Adding Features

  • Then, Click 'Add' to add any features you wish to enable or disable for a product.

Definitions for feature type:

  • Access Control - Is this feature available in this product and enabled (by default) or not?

  • Usage Count - Is this feature tracked based on usage, and is the "overdraft" option enabled?

  • Element Pool - Is this feature tracked as part of this product's "pool" of usage and is the "overdraft" option enabled?

Access Control

  • Pick the "type" of feature: Access Control

  • Then, set the default value to enabled or disabled.

  • Click Save.

Usage Count

  • Pick the "type" of feature: Usage Count

  • Then, select the "value" for the usage tracking.

  • Is the value limited to a specific value or unlimited? Select the required option and set any values for this feature. This example sets the feature usage tracking limit to 100 uses.

  • Then, if you have "overdrafts" enabled in your subscription, you can set the overdraft tracking feature to allow additional usage over the "sold" amount. You can track how much overuse you wish to allow, either an absolute extra amount or a percentage or an unlimited amount of usage over the standard set value for this feature.

This function will then track the amount of "overdraft" the end-user uses for this feature.

Overdrafts are a great way to allow clients to consume more than they paid for for upsell/cross-sell purposes. See the "overdrafts" description for more details.

If the feature "value" is set to "unlimited", you will not be able to define "Overdraft limit" for it. Overdraft can be used only for features with value limited to a specific value.

  • Click Save.

Element Pool

  • Pick the "type" of feature: Element Pool.

  • Then, select the "value" for the pool usage tracking. In this example, a pool of 100.

  • Then, if you have "overdrafts" enabled in your subscription, you can set the overdraft tracking feature to allow additional usage over the "sold" amount. You can track how much overuse you wish to allow, either an absolute extra amount or a percentage or unlimited usage over the standard set value for this feature.

This function will then track the amount of "overdraft" the end-user uses for this feature.

Overdrafts are a great way to allow clients to consume more than they paid for for upsell/cross-sell purposes. See the "overdrafts" description for more details.

  • Click Save.

Deleting features


Deleting Global Features

If the feature is part of the "Global feature" list, you will not be able to delete it here but will need to do that in the global features section.

Next, you can add product attributes to the standard product if required.

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