Local License Server Installation

The Zentitle2 Local License Server (LLS) is a docker application.

You can run it with any Docker tool, like Docker Compose, but it is preferred to run it using a more advanced Docker orchestration platform, like Docker Swarm or K8S.


  1. You have been provided with GitLab's deploy token, which allows you to download the LLS docker image from the container registry. If you don't have the token, please contact your account manager.

  2. You have Docker installed on your host machine.

Downloading the docker image

You can download the docker image from our Docker registry using the deploy token you provided.

  1. Login into the container registry with docker login registry.gitlab.com - u <username or token name> -p <token>

  2. The docker image path is registry.gitlab.com/nalpeiron/zentitle/local-license-server:[version]


The only dependency required by the LLS application is a PostgreSQL database.

Environment variables

Before starting the LLS container, the following ENV variables need to be configured:

  • ConnectionStrings__Database: Connection string to the PostgreSQL database. Sample value: Server=postgres-lls; Database=lls; User Id=lls; Password=password

  • Authentication__Username: Username for LLS Management API endpoints

  • Authentication__Password: Password for LLS Management API endpoints

Running the LLS service

During the first startup, the service creates the DB schema in the PostgreSQL DB configured in the ENV variable and seeds it with the initial data. The service is running on the port 6501by default. You should be able to access the server interface on the /ui address, or verify that the service is up and running by checking the /health endpoint’s response. The Swagger UI is available within the /swagger endpoint.

By default, the LLS service’s API is running over the HTTP protocol. If the vendor/client wants to run the service over HTTPS, they should provide a proxy and manage the SSL certificates themselves.

Running the demo application

docker login registry.gitlab.com -u <token name> -p <token>
docker-compose -f docker-compose.z2-lls-demo.yml up -d

Last updated


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