Collecting the serverside parameters

Collecting the serverside parameters to input into the config file

SaaS-type products use the Management API to manage entitlements.

Zentitle2 Management API uses OAuth2 over HTTPS to manage authentication and authorization.

You will also need "activation codes" for testing based on the product entitlements you will create.

The details you will need to collect for your implementation are:

  • Tenant Id (API) - for authentication

  • oauth_url - OAuth URL

  • zentitleApiUrl - API URL

  • ProductID - unique code for the product being tested

Generate these:

  • client Id - your ID

  • clientSecret - secret key

  • Activation codes - to test (per the rights in the entitlement)

You will find most of these in the interface, but you must generate the API client and secret in API Credentials.

Tenant Id, OAuth URL, and API URLs

The TenantId is located under the "Integrations" > "API Credentials" on the left menu.

Found under the Management API Details section, the TenantId, OAuth URL, and API URLs can be easily copied using the "copy" button on the left.

  • API requires one more header to be set with Id of your Zentitle2 tenant, for example:

    N-TenantId: t_OIRRKAYBA0CwKEsGjIJK6g

Client Id and clientSecret

The client Id and clientSecret need to be generated in the same section by clicking the "add API client" button in the right-hand part of the "Management API Clients" section.

Next, name the ClientID and save the name for the integration process.

Click save.

Clicking save generates the Client Secret key under the ID.

You can view the key by clicking the "eye" icon or copying it.

The "copy" button on the right can easily copy the secret key.

e.g. Twfx2Q5mH0izUXshrsTe3z3PIwkje22y

Before closing, make sure you copy and save the Client Secret for the integration process.

Activation codes

The Activation codes are located under the "Entitlements" > "Activation codes" on the left menu.

This example assumes you have already created entitlements and added activation codes.

First, click the entitlement you will be testing.

Then, navigate to the "Activation Codes" tab.

Test codes can be easily copied using the "copy" button on the left.


Getting your product id code is easy.

  • Log in and go to the products page.

  • Find the test product, click on the product name, and review the "details" tab.

  • Copy the ID line.

  • Paste that data into the correct line in the config app.

Last updated


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