Custom Fields

We understand that everyone's business is different, and you and your team have specific needs for how you will use Zentitle to accomplish your software monetization goals.

There are many use cases for custom fields, especially related to your customers and what data you like to connect with them, such as account numbers, tax details, and links to other records in your systems, such as CRMs, ERP, billing, and in-house back-end systems. Custom fields are also great for storing extra data relating to the customer for analysis, contract numbers, additional contact details, sales stages, sales rep name, region, territory, support contracts, and all manner of data valuable for the sales and support teams.

You may also wish to create fields that act like internal "tags" where you have codes to identify groups of clients (e.g., VIP) or where you want to segment them in some fashion - it's all easy to do with custom fields.

The same idea applies to what you sell (offerings). You can go beyond a basic SKU and add specific codes for the offering that ties back to your systems, such as accounting, CRMs, ERPs, billing, and in-house back-end systems.

Zentitle provides a lot of flexibility with custom fields (string with a limit of 50 characters, mandatory). Custom fields allow you to store your specific attributes on the Customer and Offering objects.

You can also group (string with a limit of 50 characters, optional) these fields to make them more logical, as in the example below, where custom address fields are added to a group called "Address."

Before you import your Customers into Zentitle, be sure to add the custom fields you need to prevent the hassles of re-importing later, issues with duplicates, and poor data hygiene.

To access custom fields, click the "Administration" > "Configuration" > "Custom Fields" link in the top navigation.

Creating Custom Fields

NOTE: Add the fields one by one in the order you wish to display them on the screen; you cannot reorder them later, so it's very important to think about the layout of the fields now so they display how you would like them on the customer and offering areas.

To add a new custom field, click the "Add" button on the right side of the screen. A sidebar menu will open to help you create the new attribute.

Provide the necessary information for your new custom field.

Select the object for which you'd like to create the custom field. You may create a custom field on either the Customer or Offering object.

Custom fields for the Customer object

In this example, we create custom fields on the "Customer" object.

  • If your custom field is part of a group (a collection of custom fields you want to categorize), provide a Group Name.

  • Provide your new custom field with a field key, which will be the field's name as it's stored in the database in lowercase. Do not use spaces in this name.

  • Next, provide a display name as the field should appear in Zentitle.

  • Lastly, specify whether the field should enforce unique values.

Finally, click Save to create your custom field.

Your custom field is now live in the system and can be used in the object in which it was created.

Reviewing the Customer page with custom fields added

Once you have added custom fields and grouped them, the customer page in this example lays them out in the groups as sections on the page so your data is tidy and logical.

In the example below, we created two groups, "address" and "contact," as you can see, the new custom data now shows two new sections on the customer details page.

One thing to note from this screen is the order we added custom fields; in our case, we didn't add them in the ideal order, so the fields aren't in the best order - so try and add the fields one by one in the order you wish to have them display on the screen!

Custom fields for the Offering object

In this example, we create custom fields on the "Offering" object.

  • If your custom field is part of a group (a collection of custom fields you want to categorize), provide a Group Name.

  • Provide your new custom field with a field key, which will be the field's name as it's stored in the database in lowercase. Do not use spaces in this name.

  • Next, provide a display name as the field should appear in Zentitle.

  • Lastly, specify whether the field should enforce unique values.

Finally, click Save to create your custom field.

Your custom field is now live in the system and can be used in the object in which it was created.

Reviewing the Offerings page with custom fields added

Once you have added custom fields and grouped them, the offerings page in this example lays them out in the groups as sections on the page so your data is tidy and logical.

In the example below, we created a group, "backoffice" and "ERP ID Key," as you can see, the new custom data now shows two new sections on the customer details page.

Editing Custom Fields

To edit a custom field, click on the field from the list of custom fields. The sidebar menu will open in edit mode. Enter the information you wish to edit and click Save.

Deleting Custom Fields

To delete a custom field, click on it from the list of custom fields. The sidebar menu will open in edit mode. Click on the three dots icon and select "Delete custom field selection."

Warning: Deleting this custom field will delete all of its related objects! This action CANNOT be undone and you will lose all the data associated with this action.

Last updated


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