Zentitle2 Changelog

Additions and updates to the Zentitle2 platform.

Version: Z2.24.07.1

Date: July 24

New Features

  • Overdraft tracker on Features: Features now have an Overdraft option for their limits. By enabling Overdraft, you can explore new monetization methods. Note that this feature is available for premium offerings.


  • Search for end users: You can now conveniently search for end users using the global search bar at the top of the page. Simply enter their name or email address.

  • All features in one place: The Features and Advanced Features sections have been combined, streamlining your product configuration and support processes.

Version: Z2.24.06.1

Date: June 24

New Features

  • Two-factor authentication (2FA): EnforceYou can now enforce 2FA for all users who have access to Zentitle2. This helps safeguard your data and protect your customers. The 2FA setting can be enabled via a single switch on the Administration page. (find out more)

  • Local License Server flexibility: An option has been added to edit entitlements hosted on the Local License Server. This enhancement simplifies support and upselling for customers using the Local License Server. For example, you can modify seat limits or enable additional features.


  • Improved navigation: The service navigation has been enhanced to provide a better user experience. (find out more)

Version: Z2.24.05.1

Date: May 24

New Features

  • Simplified Advanced Features: We are introducing the new Usage Count feature, which replaces Consumption Tokens and offers both limited and unlimited capabilities (read more) and the option of resetting usage count (read more about it).

  • Enhanced End Users Portal: This feature leverages Account-Based Licensing with two role levels, empowering end users with the Admin role to manage actions directly from the End Users Portal without relying on your support assistance.

  • ZentitleCore Library Enhancements: Now supports offline activation and secure secret storage, incorporating military-approved encryption components and algorithms (read more).


  • Downloadable Postman Environment Configuration: Easily access a ready-to-use Postman configuration from the API Credentials page, eliminating the need for manual environment setup.

  • .NET Library Availability: The .NET library code is made available to make it easier to integrate and debug our solutions

Breaking Changes

  • Consumption Token Removal: The Consumption Token feature type has been removed. Please utilize the Usage Count type instead.

  • Floating Feature Update: The Floating Feature feature type has been replaced with Element Pool. Please make adjustments accordingly.

Version: Z2.24.04.1

Date: April 24

New Features

  • Account-Based Licensing: Utilize Account-Based Licensing with or without your own IDP. Easily create end users and assign them to entitlements directly within Zentitle2. Find out more on how to configure ABL

  • Custom Fields: Introduce flexibility by defining custom fields for Customers and Offerings, allowing you to capture essential data for your business. Find out more on how to use custom fields


  • Viewer Role: Introducing the Viewer role with read-only permissions, ideal for users needing to view customers, entitlements, or product catalog details. Additionally, users with this role can now add notes to entitlements and customers for enhanced team communication. Read more about users' role

  • Maintenance Expiry Date: Full support for the maintenance period on entitlements has been introduced. Find out more

  • API Versioning: We will release a new, dated API version whenever we make backward-incompatible changes to the APIs. For information on API updates, check out the API changelog.

Bug Fixes

  • Search Functionality: Search is now active after the first click, resolving the double-click issue.

Version: Z2.24.03.1

Date: March 24

New Features

  • Notes on Customer and Entitlement: Now you can add notes to Customers (find out more) or directly on Entitlements (find out more), empowering your team with crucial information exactly where needed.

  • Zentitle2Core Library: Introducing Zentitle2Core Library, developed in C++, ensuring safety and reliability in software licensing processes. Compatible with various programming languages and operating systems like Windows (.dll), Linux, Ubuntu (.so), and MacOS (*.dylib), it offers both dynamic and static versions. Find out more


  • Plan Type: Track trials, beta testing, or differentiate between paid and non-paid plans with the new plan type feature. Learn More

  • Entitlement Flexibility: Amend Customer or Order Reference ID directly from the created entitlement for added convenience.

  • Import Customers from File: Easily import multiple customers at once from a file for streamlined management. Find out more

Bug Fixes

  • Management API Documentation Generator: Resolved a glitch in the documentation generator, ensuring all fields have accurate details.

Version: Z2.24.02.1

Date: Feb' 24

New Features

  • Account-Based Licensing: Easily configure connections with your IDP using the new setup page. Learn more

  • Webhook Logs: Test and utilize webhooks effortlessly with logs available on the Webhooks page and the option to resend.


  • Edition Page Redesign: Manage and configure features or attributes more efficiently. All Edition configurations are now visible on a single page for easy comparison and setup. Find out more

Bug Fixes

  • Unique Account Reference ID: The 'Account Reference ID' field is now unique across all customers.

Version: Z2.24.01.1

Date: Jan' 24

New Features

  • Renewal done with two clicks: Entitlement can now be renewed with two clicks on Entitlement or by Management API. This will also set up an event to automatically reset the count of used Consumption tokens. Read more

  • FastSpring Integration: The integration between Zentitle2 and FastSpring is designed to provide a seamless experience for customers, from purchase to activation, in less than 10 seconds. The partnership between Zentitle2 and FastSpring unites world-class licensing and e-commerce for a powerful customer experience. The integration with FastSpring adds speed that simplifies the whole purchasing and licensing process. Read more


  • Generating reports: More intuitive list view with visible option to download as into the file and use as a report.

  • More intuitive configuration: Improved configuration of periods like Grace, Lease or Linger period.

  • Quick Access: Easily navigate from Offering details to Edition, Plan or Product details.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed warnings for required minimum periods for Linger, Grace, Lease and Offline lease periods

  • Improved filtering by Status column on the Entitlement page.

Version: Z2.23.12.1

Date: Dec' 23

New Features

  • Overdraft Tracker: Take control of your licensing experience! Enable overdrafts for "seat count" on specific offerings or entitlements. You decide which customers can surpass license limits, giving you the power to manage your licenses seamlessly. We deliver you the information and the decision is yours — whether to allow more seats or negotiate additional license fees. Find out more

  • Upgrade and Downgrade with Ease: Introducing the ability to change the offering directly from the entitlement. When your customers upgrade or downgrade their licenses, reflect those changes instantly using our user-friendly interface or Management API. Find out more

  • Overrides Visible on Entitlement: Gain quick insights into your customers' unique setups. Changes made directly on entitlements that override offering values are now clearly marked. Your support team can easily understand these custom configurations, and you can revert to the original offering values. Find out more


  • Simplified Entitlement Creation: Enjoy an easier entitlement creation process with a simplified form and improved search capabilities in each field.

  • More Data on the Dashboard: Stay informed with additional insights. "Entitlements recently expired" provides data on entitlement churn and "Highest overdrafts by entitlement in the last 30 days" highlights seat limit overuse.

Bug Fixes

  • Resend invitation email is now available on the Users page. Easily send a new invite email to users who may have lost their previous invitation or if it expired.

  • Enhancements have been made to the connection with the webhook for more reliable entitlement provisioning.

Version: Z2.23.11.1

Date: Nov' 23

New Features

  • Disable Customer: You can now "switch off" all entitlements for a customer with a single click when they are not paying. This action also disables all associated licenses, and there is an option to easily re-enable the entitlements without changing their settings. Find out more

  • Disable Entitlement: Allows you to "switch off" specific entitlements. Find out more

  • Delete Option for All Object Types: This feature is particularly useful during the initial stages of product configuration to rectify mistakes or clean up after testing. It's important to note that this is a hard delete and is accessible only to users with Administrator role permissions. Find out more


  • Connect Customer to External Systems: You can now connect a customer to an external system by entering their Account Reference ID.

  • Global Features Section: A separate section for configuring attributes and features shared across all products. Read more

  • Quick Access: Easily navigate from Entitlement details to Customer details, Offering, Product, or SKU.

  • Attribute Validation: Each attribute can now have validation, such as regex, email, date or number validation, to reduce errors during entitlement activation. Read more

  • List View Improvements: A feature to display the number of visible items, which is particularly valuable when filters are applied.

  • Licensing API Metadata: Extended metadata about entitlement is available in the Licensing API.

Bug Fixes

  • After adding a customer, you are directed to their Customer details page.

  • Improved error handling for forms when adding objects.

Last updated


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