Advanced Product Features

Advanced features explained

Consumption Tokens

An entitlement can have one or more ‘consumption token’ features. Consumption tokens can be used to track measures of usage over time.

For example, you may have a 1-year subscription that provides for 1000 report runs over the year. The consumption token feature would track how many reports had been run so far (with the application deducting one from the count each time the report is run).

Once you have an entitlement setup using consumption tokens, you may need to manage the usage levels on these advanced features. In certain cases, you may wish to leave an entitlement in place with a client and edit its usage levels vs. offering a new entitlement with more usage, etc. See how: Resetting the consumption token count on an entitlement.

Element Pool

Element Pools represent a concurrent aggregate count of some measure.

For example, let’s say there is a storage management cluster, and the business model is to charge for the aggregate amount of storage under management across the cluster. Each node would check out from the element pool the quantity of storage that node was managing (50TB, 100TB, etc.), and the licensing would enforce that at no time was the aggregate amount of storage licensed ever exceeded.

Floating Feature

The floating feature mechanism allows a subset of the current active instances to check out a seat of a given ‘feature optionally.’

So, for example, a license might be good for ten concurrent users but only license to 5 add-on features representing advanced functionality. A given instance/user could then call the Zentitle2 library to request one of those five seats - and if successful, the application would unlock that functionality within that user’s instance. When that user completes the functionality (or terminates the application), the floating feature will be returned/checked in.

How to use advanced features

Options include Consumption Tokens, Element Pools, or Floating Features.

To learn what each of the values above means, refer to the Glossary here



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