Managing offerings

Using Offerings

Adding an offering

The offerings are located under the "Product Catalog" > "Offerings" on the left menu.

In order to create an offering, you will need to ensure you have already added all the various products, editions, and plans you need to build them.

Adding your SKU record

Add an SKU that matches your product item in your billing, CRM, ERP or, accounting systems etc.

In the context of software licensing, a SKU is a code or number that identifies a specific software product or licensing option.

For example, a software vendor might use a SKU to differentiate between different versions of their software, such as a basic version and a professional version, or to track the number of licenses that have been sold for a particular product.

SKUs can also be used by resellers and distributors to track their inventory and sales, and to ensure that they are ordering and selling the correct products.

Choose the optional "maintenance."

If you wish to use the maintenance option, click the drop-down box to "enable" the option.

If you also chose a "perpetual" plan type, you can add the maintenance period's length.

You will not see the length option unless you choose a perpetual plan.

Set the seat limit

Seat count is the number of seats available on an Entitlement that has been set from the Offering with which this entitlement has been created, but it can be amended at the Entitlement level.

Seats used - currently used seats.

Seats - overview of seats used from seat count, presented in the form of 3/21 in the UI.

Set the concurrency mode

  • Node lock licenses are meant to be permanently activated against a given machine/seat and are not returned upon terminating the application. They are persistent licenses (not to be confused with perpetual licenses).

  • Concurrent (also called ‘Floating’) licenses allow a maximum number of concurrent seats active on the entitlement at any one point in time. Upon startup, the application would attempt to check a seat out of the license pool and check it back in once the application terminates. If the application dies without explicitly returning the license, the seat will automatically be returned once the lease expires.

Overdraft seat limit

Overdrafts, as the name suggests, allow you to set a soft limit of seats that match the order from the customer with a higher hard limit (or no limit at all = unlimited).

If the user customer installs more than they purchased, you can track and alert both sales and your users about their overuse (overdraft) and potentially offer an upsell to a different offering or upgrade.

In this example, we set a seat limit of a single seat but allowed the user to install up to three seats, as soon as they install seat two or three they will be in "overdraft" and you will be able to track that and use that data to offer an upgrade.

See this article for details on overdrafts and their use to drive new revenues.

NOTE: even though you can select a single seat with a % overdraft option, we will simply round the number using math functions to avoid odd situations like 50% of a seat, etc

The last step

Click 'save'.

Now you can add entitlements to your offering, simply click "add entitlement" on the offering page or go to the entitlements section in the left navigation.

Once you have an offering set up, think of it as a template from which you can now produce your entitlements. These entitlements can be modified post-creation to make them unique, but offerings allow for a fast and controlled way to create entitlements quickly and in bulk as required.

Editing an offering

Deleting a offering

An additional layer of "security" has been added to ensure the user understands the consequences and has to take various actions before deleting the object.

In this case, to delete, you must select the two warning radio boxes and type in the name of the offering. Here, that's "Test Offering."

Then click delete to complete the process.


Next, we move on to the final step in setting up your ability to start testing or selling entitlements and the associated activation codes.

To learn what each of the values above means, refer to the Glossary here

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