Edition Setup

The Editions tab.

This is a great way to compare your editions side by side and review the features and attributes you set for each edition.

This is a favorite place for the product team to quickly and easily put together your product catalog!

In the example above, you can see we have three editions for this product in the classic "good, better, best" style. We add more capabilities as we move through the editions, with the goal of having the end-user upgrade.

In this view, setting up and configuring your go-to-market plan and pricing setup is very easy.

At a glance, you can view and edit any part of the edition you want to offer. This is great for initial setup and also for quickly reconfiguring the editions at a later date—make product changes all in a few seconds.

You can edit the product at every level - Globally, at a Product level, and at a Edition level so you have total flexibility. In the example above, you can see some features that are added Gloablly (Green G), Some at the Product level (Blue P), and the Edition level (Purple E).

This view also shows you the settings for every feature or attribute and the "overdraft" if set on it, so it's a very helpful view of the product catalog.

Using Editions

First, create a product. During that process, a "default" edition is added to the set of options shown in Tabs on the product configuration page.

You can use the "default" edition if you have a simple single product with one edition option.

Adding editions

Once you have all the "names" of the editions, you can edit them to add to the different feature sets each has in your product portfolio.

Editing editions

You can easily edit the default edition or your new editions on the editions tab on the page.

You can change the name or any settings for the features and attributes by clicking on the area or feature you want to change. It's simple!

  • Navigate to the editions tab.

  • Roll the cursor over the name or feature/attribute to change.

  • Click and edit.

  • Click Save.

When you browse each edition, you will see a blue E icon next to values you have changed from the standard product pattern to make this edition unique.

Now you have some edition names. The basic concept is to edit each one away from the standard product pattern that has been created. So, you will likely have more and more features, attributes, or advanced feature options between each edition.

Enable more and more features per your model, or tweak each one to fit the "good better best" type setup you are using. Each edition should be different from the other, with perhaps the base one having the standard product pattern you started with.

Using global values

As previously discussed, you can use global values to override, add, or change these edition options.

In the example below, you can see that "test feature 4" is a global value (has a green G icon) that has been inherited by the editions.

This is a good way to speed up the process of adding lots of editions.



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