
About Webhooks

Our webhooks are a more efficient way of managing events than using the management API to query information that changes over time. Instead of constantly polling for updates, a webhook is set up once and is only triggered when a specific event occurs. The main advantage of webhooks is that they provide real-time data updates on the various parameters used in license management.

Webhooks are a callback mechanism web applications use to provide real-time notifications to other systems. Essentially, a webhook is a way for an application to send data to another application automatically when certain events occur.

The basic idea behind webhooks is that one application sends an HTTP POST request to a URL specified by another application, indicating that a certain event has occurred. The receiving application then processes the data in the request and takes appropriate action based on the content.

Webhooks are commonly used in a wide variety of applications, such as:

  • Integrating with third-party services to receive notifications when specific events occur

  • Triggering custom workflows or automation tasks in response to user actions

  • Updating data in real-time across multiple systems and applications

  • Automating data synchronization between different systems

In essence, webhooks operate in contrast to APIs, which require the client application to request updates from the server continuously. With webhooks, the server proactively pushes data to the client, eliminating the need for the client to check for updates and reducing the server's workload constantly.

Adding a webhook

Webhooks are located under the "Account" > "Webhooks" on the left menu.

Editing a webhook

Deleting a webhook


This action generates a new WebhookEvent and triggers a call to the listener URI. The payload of this call is empty; the resource id contains the ID of the listener:

This event is not retried if the request fails. Hit 'Test' again to generate another event.

Using webhooks

Go to our API docs for more details on using the webhooks you have set up: https://api.zentitle.io/docs/#tag/Webhooks

Now go to the SDK and API documentation to learn about implementation.

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