
Webhooks logs tab

This tab shows an overview of all webhook calls from Zentitle2 for your account. It provides important information about the webhook call. You can also drill down to an individual log to see more details.

Only Logs for existing webhooks are shown. If you delete a webhook, its logs will no longer be displayed.

Resend a webhook

You can manually resend the webhook by clicking the 'Resend' button. This is especially useful when a webhook exhausts its retries count or when you are testing your webhook handler implementation.

Download report

For further processing or archiving, you can 'Download report' of all webhook calls in CSV format.

Individual log detail

By clicking a single log, you can display additional information about the selected webhook call. This includes the URI, payload, and message representing the handler's response content.

You can browse the call history of an individual webhook in case it was retried multiple times.

The payload field only contains the 'payload' element of the Webhook request body. For the complete Webhook request, see webhook examples.

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